Sunday Morning Messages
Origination from the Pulpit of Victory Church, Virginia Beach
Nov. 17th 2008 |
Saved and Kept By Grace |
Is once saved always saved a true Biblical doctrine? Are you saved by grace, but kept by works? Will a true believer persevere to the end? These questions are examined and answered from a nonsectarian viewpoint. We need to know the truth concerning these issues because they do affect who and how we evangelize. The key to the answers is found in the original languages which Pastor Jenkins Sr. reveals. |
Oct. 19th 2008
The Truth About Halloween |
Should a Christian celebrate Halloween? Is there anything wrong with Jack-a-Lanterns, saying Trick or Treat, or dressing up in costumes? In this message from the heart, Pastor Jenkins Sr answers these questions with truth. If you or someone you care about have thought about these things, you should listen to this message. You may be shocked when you learn the Truth About Halloween. |
Oct. 12th 2008
Undisciplined Disciples |
In this challenging message, Pastor Jenkins will answer the question, Can someone be an undiscipled disciple for Jesus Christ? Matthew 28:16-20 is reviewed both in English and Greek to discover the true message that Jesus is telling His church about evangelism. If you ever have had questions about the proper method to evangelize, this message is for you. Learn the truth about discipleship and the error of the modern American church. |
Sep. 14th, 2008
Paying The Price |
In this challenging message, Pastor Jenkins Sr. exhorts you to PAY THE PRICE In this challenging message, Pastor Jenkins Sr. exhorts you to PAY THE PRICE and hold nothing back from serving Jesus Christ. This includes confronting sin, costly worship and commitment to the cause. Do you want to PAY THE PRICE? If so, listen to this word with an open heart and commit to go all the way with Jesus! and hold nothing back from serving Jesus Christ. This includes confronting sin, costly worship and commitment to the cause. Do you want to PAY THE PRICE? If so, listen to this word with an open heart and commit to go all the way with Jesus! |
Sep. 7th, 2008
The Importance of Separation 2 |
In this message 2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1 forms the basis of a call to separate from evil. There is to be no agreement with unbelievers as our fellowship and communion are different. Believers are light and unbelievers are in darkness. In Part 1 of this challenging word, Pastor Jenkins Sr. reviews the history of this local church and proclaims a need to separate from evil. Listen and be prepared to live a life of sacrifice for Jesus Christ. |
Aug. 31st, 2008
The Importance of Separation |
In this message 2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1 forms the basis of a call to separate from evil. There is to be no agreement with unbelievers as our fellowship and communion are different. Believers are light and unbelievers are in darkness. In Part 1 of this challenging word, Pastor Jenkins Sr. reviews the history of this local church and proclaims a need to separate from evil. Listen and be prepared to live a life of sacrifice for Jesus Christ. |
Aug. 24th, 2008
Old Paths 2 - "Where are Your Sins" |
In Part 2 of this series, Pastor Jenkins Sr. asks the most important question that can ever be asked of anyone: Where are your sins? This is the last question to be answered before a journey is made into eternity; the only correct response is under the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses and makes whole. Someone you know needs to hear this message. Listen today and make sure your sins are where they are supposed to be. |
Aug. 10rd, 2008 |
Old Paths Pt. 1 - "Few Saved" |
In Part 1 of this series, Pastor Jenkins Sr. will take you through Bible periods to show how few actually are saved. Also, there will be a clear definition of what it means to be saved and how you can know for sure. Also, death bed confessions are discussed to encourage you to spread the Gospel now and not wait until the lost one is in his final hours. This message will encourage you if the power of sin is broken in your life and warn you if it is not. This series is going to review some old but necessary Bible doctrines. |
July 6th, 2008 |
Our Christian Heritage |
In this informative message, Pastor Jenkins Sr. recounts the faith of our Founding Fathers. Don't be deceived by liberals that have rewrote history; hear the actual words of Jefferson, Franklin, McHenry and others. Also, many statements from Presidents' addresses and state's constitutions are reviewed to show that faith in God was a part of our government. Learn the truth that our Christian heritage has been hijacked and begin to take it back by listening to this teaching. Also, for all who E-Mail, Pastor Jenkins' 57 pages of notes will be sent electronically free of charge. |
The Wrath of God |
In this sermon The Wrath of God from Job 36:18, you will be instructed about the fact of God's Wrath, a solemn warning of His Wrath and the utter impossibility of escaping His Wrath. In a day of "purpose driven lives" and "your best life now," this message combats the wave of ministries that preach to tickle the ear. Prepare to be challenged to be a witness for Jesus Christ as you listen to The Wrath of God. Every one you know needs to hear this word. |
Spiritual Hunger Pt. 2 |
Community Sacrifice |
In Spiritual Hunger 2, you will learn three aspects of the spiritual discipline of accountability and the three essential elements of Christian accountability. In this heart searching message, Pastor Jenkins Sr. will challenge you to be accountable to God and the body of Christ. We are to be accountable to each other for our perseverance in faith and repentance. Prepare to go deeper in the things of God as you open your heart to the discipline of accountabi |
Spiritual Hunger Pt. 1 |
Jesus did not preach a message of "your best life now" or "your purpose driven life." He was not a self help motivational preacher. He told His followers to deny themselves, pick up their cross and follow Him. In this challenging message from Pastor Jenkins Sr. you will learn about spiritual hunger and how it affects your community of believers. Prepare to confront your level of personal sacrifice for the Kingdom and go deeper in your commitment to Jesus Christ. |